Q & A
Having a home inspection performed could be the best money you ever spend.
What is a home Inspection?
The inspection is a reasonable effort to disclose the conditions existing on the day of the inspection. A look at your home with an experienced eye. The inspection does not reveal information on the concealed areas or items not inspected. e.g. Insulation in the visible areas of the attic does not imply insulation under the attic floor.
Who is a home inspector?
Home inspectors are generalists with broad knowledge on many topics. A good inspector must be well versed in all fields of residential construction and have good communication skills. The home inspector gives an overview of the condition of the property and discloses major defects.
What will the inspector evaluate?
Hancock Home Inspections structural evaluation covers the following items listed below. Certain seasonal limitations may apply.
Can a house "fail" an inspection?
We will not pass or fail a house. A professional home inspection is simply an examination of the current condition of the house. An inspector describes the house's condition and notes items in need of immediate repair or replacement and outlines maintenance needs.
Are there any limitations of my inspection?
Yes. Inspectors do the best job they can, but sometimes, physical obstructions, weather conditions, etc. prevent them from doing the whole job. e.g. A snow covered roof or concealed areas. The inspector cannot make representations about what was not readily accessible.
What if the report reveals problems?
Just because the house may have some problems doesn't mean it isn't a good investment. The report will help you understand what will be involved in future maintenance.
Is an inspection an insurance policy or warranty against future repair?
NO! HHI will never be able to predict every repair or maintenance item encountered. Purchasing a home brings risks. An inspection cannot eliminate this risk. An inspection does not constitute an insurance policy. It gives you an impression of the condition of the house as of the date of inspection only.
What is the advantage of a Hancock Home Inspection?
The Hancock Home Inspections System goes beyond the analysis of the property. It provides a physical inspection of the property, detailed written report and a homeowners manual on maintenance and upkeep. Your final inspection report comes to you bound and indexed for easy reference and future use. The maintenance guide and homeowners manual can be used over and over again in the proper maintenance of your home.
Does Hancock Home Inspections provide any remedial work?
No. Unlike some home inspection companies, radon testing firms, and pest control companies, Hancock Home Inspections is only an inspection firm. To avoid even the slightest hint of any conflict of interest Hancock Home Inspections will not perform any remedial work. As a Hancock Home Inspections client, you will receive only the highest quality and unbias home inspection.